Sunday, 26 March 2017

Tree: An Abode and Love!

Standing tall, spread across the sky
A tale in Green, abode to throbs of Life!
Steady and calm, breathing breeze
Spring, as if has been seized!

Look deep and observe: Messenger of Peace, sliding on leaves of coconut tree, with its tiny feet three!
Reminding the soul of kindergarten days
of childhood being care free!

Butterfly: monarch and blue
A speck of ocean in green and true!
Flying through light and dark
The Tree, reciprocating in shivers of Love!

Branches of these tree
are cushion for monkeys!
Look into their eye and connect,
Find them lounging in green shades of Love!

Mankind in rage and heat,
throws stones on them and screams!
They being part of Nature
what crime it is, if they feed and Live!

Are we dumb heads to be called fools,
Counting the leaves on tree...
rather than admiring and
being one with everything that cools!

Sparkling stars on Earth
Beauty they are, mysterious and full of Love!
Mankind, deep breathe and feel
the motherly affection and Love of Trees!

Pic Courtesy: Google!

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Tale of a Soul: Part IV

Vermin’s crawled and troll,
deep seated in garden wall!
Life throws us off-guard
Stability, a call, amidst retard!

“Butter and cheese,” talks aloud,
town it be or abroad!
Glide or slide through the throat
Vomit and pay for it, Sweetheart!

Transparency, when one, sees through
“Cover it, cover it,” the foul coos!
"Let us, leave no clue
leaving no stew to brood!"

Profit it should be and not a loss
oblige to the vermin’s norm or get lost!
Pain of thorns for pure heart
when malignant rays of rotten soul fall!

Break free and BE
May BOLDNESS and LOVE be that TREE!
Vermin’s in bright light will fall out
when SUN shines inside out!

Pic courtesy: Google