Sunday, 21 June 2015

A Beautiful Illusion!

Why do some Smile heal,
as if they were blessed with it!

After the return from an exhaustive journey…
the bones crackling,
the muscles having felt the humps and the potholes
thought what would become of it,
when it returned to its abode!

Life showing all sides of illusions…
Yet the most beautiful illusion,
has a power to heal...
As if it had stood its own hard time…
And, is evident that time had stood still!

Why does it feel so complete
to have just one glimpse of his…
All the time I had known,
he had been busy with something.

How do I tell him of…
People from past zooming back into life
When I know he himself…
is from my greatest past which stands tall!

Why the illusion is more appealing
than the reality itself…
The visions so clear,
that the thought of taking a step against it
shakes me from within!

And, when I don’t know what to do
illusion from all direction shrouds me
I sit quietly and believe that ONE!
As things occur, of which I have no hold on!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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