Friday 29 May 2015

In Love with Love!

Love is when you wake up in the morning
and see his Smile flashing in mind's eye
Love is when you kiss his forehead,
and he relaxes back to sleep!
Love is when you know, it was always in Dream
yet, more TRUTHFUL than the REALITY itself!

Love is when TRUTH finds another TRUTH,
only in the  form of illusion...
Love is when Mahamaya, enjoys being in Maya!

 And, if one thinks one can leave without LOVE
it’s like living in total void,

shunning one's own existence!

Love is God and Love is when you say:
"You are just somewhere close to me."
When miles and miles becomes a full stop!

Love cannot be shunned off or forgotten
For the WORLD was created for Love,
and the only TRUTH God left behind! 

Love is when you feel the presence of God in him,
Love is when you know, it’s in him and you
Love is when the distance become just number...
Love is when you know,
no matter what it’s going to stay forever!

Pic Courtesy: Google!


Wednesday 27 May 2015

Summer Love:

Love is a fire that ignites two souls!
A fire, that could drive anyone insane
or that’s what LOVE told her!

Countless Love enters the world of the damsel
Over-whelmed and difficult to handle…
they escape through the door.
that they find open in her heart...
Never to be opened again!

And, then LOVE comes along
as mad and crazy as Love could be!
Every time he saw the door open
He came close, closer, closest to the damsel… 

Without having ever touched her!
He understood, the door would take him away,
 from what he felt, was his LOVE and LIFE!
An agony, a pain: A feeling so mutual! 

Which the distance brings along with it…

Understanding the tantrums
that one jilts at the other!
The fire: an excuse to keep them alive...
To be replaced they thought, 

with untold bliss one day or so...

 Pic Courtesy: Google

Monday 25 May 2015

Flashback on Life and its Lessons! Part-1

    What’s the turning point in everyone’s life… it might have been positive as well as negative! But, what-so-ever, it always leaves a lesson to be learned! Maa said, I used to be very innocent, and as a kid never used to trouble her. It was only later I became a headache for her…hahahahah…. We used to stay in a joint family, and staying in joint family teaches you values from everyone that you came across! I have always seen my father toiling hard, from early morning to late night, and my mother taking every care; she can to keep the family intact! Both of them were hard working! Still are, and it always leaves me amazed, though their age suggest REST! Well, coming back to what I was about to say… so she used to say, as a child, when she used to give food; I would eat some and share some with my clothes, which had to be washed later on by my mother. But, that’s my first lesson of being self-independent, and the entire credit goes to my mother! I Love my mother a lot! As I grew up, she got me admitted in play school, Little Angel’s School. I loved Anita Miss, she taught us English. She was so full of love, and I maybe being a sponge observed that trait from her. Be a sponge and soak in Good things! I remember she had a curly hair and the most beautiful smile, I could have ever perceived! But, then when you smile from heart, it becomes beautiful! She had the most beautiful heart, and I still remember her with fond memories! I enjoyed a lot in my play school, and somehow I felt I was some kind of star! Don’t remember why, what I remember was Maa saying that, when the school got over and children used to wait for their parents and cry, I used to comfort them with my words. When as a child I should be crying myself! I don’t know why but, I still can’t see someone sad and unhappy! The only difference being that as a child we didn’t realized what we were doing, but as we grow up, we feel more worldlier! Wished the child in us never died! I don't think it had died in me, or in my heart! I still care, and I am sure all the others who are reading this, might be doing their bit, in their own way! So, as a child did I ever explode or cry? Maybe not, so what changed me, when I was content with myself! Leaving Little Angel School, ironically enough did! Leaving a Paradise behind, and entering into Stewart School was, where I was to learn some harsher realities of life!

     I was sad when I had to leave the angelic school, and I had asked my Maa the reason not to continue with it! She said, that for further education, I was supposed to go to Stewart School and that my elder sister and brother there, would take complete care of me! And, that was the end point of my first beautiful phase of my Life! I loved and trusted my Mother completely, so I agreed to go to Stewart School! And, thinking it to be same as Little Angel School, I was happy on my first day in Stewart School! But, something was terribly wrong, and I had cried and was reluctant to go to school the next day! So what went wrong…

(Part-2 Coming soon... )

Pic Courtesy: Google