Friday 4 January 2019

Ethereal Experiences...

Uncanny experiences come to life
When life in realms begin…
Smell, feel, touch, visions
when calls and cries breathes in!

Feet turning cold,
winter holding no grudge though!
A dream seems to pass
A lady hit on the head hard!

No explanation she has though,
when love asks her so…
Massaging her head in coconut oil
she recalls what one of her aunt had said, once…

“Her head is on fire and it burns
 oil like water, seems to run!”

What was it, the lady thinks
Uncanny, unusual experience of fingers burnt it is!
Yet, soothing and calming to lost soul
when the massage on head ends for all!

Merrily and happily
she sings and goes off to sleep!
Morning, almighty…calling her as if
“Let me be with you and don’t strip me of your love,” she sings…

Vision of three friends crosses her
smell, light and touch engulfing her!
Forgiven by one, Faith restored in another
Love seems to breathe in Universe and back forever!

Spirits and sylphs fly around
Stunned and shocked, she stands her ground!
Heart overwhelmed with gratitude
praying profusely of light, love, peace and purity!

What we are, hard to explain
experiencing one or many realms!
This though, one can only say
“Light, Love, Peace and Purity be the pray!”

Pic Courtesy: Google