Soul woke up early in the morning
only to be lulled back to sleep to dream
dream of a strange stranger…
who once used to be a friend!
It was as if, Sun adoring the moon, as it set!
Mother’s call shrill it was
“Get up, you lazy bone,
or, we will get late…"
Late, it never wanted to be,
for nature, was a necessary comfort!
And, day was yet to begin...
As soon as the soul stepped out,
oh no, the dark clouds…
is it going to rain, it thought!
Pigeon in group it perceived,
And as the soul behold
a magpie robin
cuckoo in pair, distracted the soul from it!
When it tried to look back
it had disappeared, from the sight!
Drongo, silently it perched
Where was its mate, the soul thought!
Parents are blessing and when
both pull your leg, you can do nothing
but laugh out loud!
Wished the mirth, the soul felt
reach others who missed the blessing and love!
As it was thinking thus, first glimpse of sun
the souls bathed in and felt blessed...
Bee hive, on top, another blessed sight
it was to behold...
Of good health and day,
Thus, soul prayed for one and all, as it moved...
cuckoo in pair, distracted the soul from it!
When it tried to look back
it had disappeared, from the sight!
Drongo, silently it perched
Where was its mate, the soul thought!
Parents are blessing and when
both pull your leg, you can do nothing
but laugh out loud!
Wished the mirth, the soul felt
reach others who missed the blessing and love!
As it was thinking thus, first glimpse of sun
the souls bathed in and felt blessed...
Bee hive, on top, another blessed sight
it was to behold...
Of good health and day,
Thus, soul prayed for one and all, as it moved...
On having covered half
the way,
red whiskered bulbul drew the attention!
What was it mirthfully chirping
with jungle prinia in two, the soul thought!
How delighted the soul felt,
to see them chattering blissfully though!
What more can the soul wish,
when it felt like eternity!
As it touched the cows lovingly , on the path,
dog, in single, wanted to be adored too...
Mirthfully, the soul, burst out in simple joy!
Three puppies fed lovingly on it mother
A decent picture of love they portrayed in Nature!
red whiskered bulbul drew the attention!
What was it mirthfully chirping
with jungle prinia in two, the soul thought!
How delighted the soul felt,
to see them chattering blissfully though!
What more can the soul wish,
when it felt like eternity!
As it touched the cows lovingly , on the path,
dog, in single, wanted to be adored too...
Mirthfully, the soul, burst out in simple joy!
Three puppies fed lovingly on it mother
A decent picture of love they portrayed in Nature!
As we moved on, the
soul noticed
a kingfisher and pigeon sitting in same line
yet, looking away from each other!
The kingfisher though, the soul observed,
kept looking at another kingfisher,
sitting on a different line!
Mysterious nature,
what is it that you want to convey
or is the soul supposed to adore
at the beauty you disclose and smile, broad!
a kingfisher and pigeon sitting in same line
yet, looking away from each other!
The kingfisher though, the soul observed,
kept looking at another kingfisher,
sitting on a different line!
Mysterious nature,
what is it that you want to convey
or is the soul supposed to adore
at the beauty you disclose and smile, broad!
Magpie robin, adamantly looked away
though the heart throb for it lovingly, it thought!
It is then that it saw the drongo in pair
only to be ruffled by another as it flew near them!
Strange, it was to be reminded of school days,
when a friend lovingly would
hit other’s head to draw the attention…
Parakeets have been circling around
while cuckoo loving heard it call!
And, as the soul headed towards home
after having bathed in bright sun!
At crossroads, the soul stopped dead
to perceive two storks in air
moving with elegant and poise,
as if they were two jets!
though the heart throb for it lovingly, it thought!
It is then that it saw the drongo in pair
only to be ruffled by another as it flew near them!
Strange, it was to be reminded of school days,
when a friend lovingly would
hit other’s head to draw the attention…
Parakeets have been circling around
while cuckoo loving heard it call!
And, as the soul headed towards home
after having bathed in bright sun!
At crossroads, the soul stopped dead
to perceive two storks in air
moving with elegant and poise,
as if they were two jets!
“Wow,” how elegantly they soar the air
there is a thing or two, learned to be them for sure!
What content the soul had felt,
to observe birds in flight and of all kind
the hometown throbbing, as if with mirth and love!
Pic Courtesy: Google