Friday 2 September 2016

Love, Divine Love!

Why? Why doesn’t the Lord,
the Love of my Life talk to me…
Sulking, upset, angry Lord of Love, mine…
how do I console him?
how do I console him??
How do I console Mohan, the ever loving God,
who sulk and doesn’t speak,
how do I console him…

Without him, neither does my nights pass
nor the moment that I breathe seem to exist…

My eyes are all tears, tears that pour
and roll of their own accord …
doesn’t seem to listen anymore,
doesn’t seem to listen anymore…

“Weapon cannot harm the soul
neither can it be burned by fire
nor can it be moistened by water
or withered by the wind!”

The soul hears the echo often…

Why did you make promises
to arrive at the soulful door of eyes…
Why did you bind me in such promises? Why...
Promises to arrive at the door of heart
where the memories and shadows of Love lurk...

Even without him, the soul tries to placate him
console him, cajole him…
even when my heart cheats me
thinks, thinks only about him…

My eyes are all tears, tears
that roll of their own accord
doesn’t seem to listen anymore!

Sensitive, the breath of life is
easily disturbed, when one gets upset!
The heart, trying to pacify itself
in fifty-two and many ways…
Even today, it tries to find the path,
the Love, the Lord of Love might have taken!

Even in his absence the soul finds him
Even in his absence the soul hugs him
Even in his absence the soul feels One,
One with the 
Eternal One,
the Lord, the Love of the Life!

My eyes are all tears, tears that pour
and roll of their own accord
doesn’t seem to listen anymore,
doesn’t seem to listen anymore…

The separation from One and only Love,
Love, that is a definition of Love itself!

Pic Courtesy: Google


Chapter 2: Contents of the Gītā Summarized

nainam chindanti sastrani
nainam dahati pavakah
na cainam kledayanty apo
na sosayati marutah

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