Thursday 8 December 2016

A Tale of a Soul - II

Struggling to stand upright
trying to balance the materialistic burden thrown upon...
A different experience altogether
The Soul seem to have undergone...

Chunks of glass, 
felt painfully stuck to the left knee 
of that, which beholds the light and soul!
Pain that lets out agonising cry each moment
shreds of glass, falling each moment, as if...

Entire night, "Mother's lap it was...
"This shall also pass
This shall also pass,"
was heard...
Until another day, the soul lived!

Another night, a burning soul alight
No temple nothing was felt...
Only a blazing soul!!!
The sole identity of the soul as if
Experiencing it manifold...

It is the experience of the blaze
Blaze, that takes you to Nothingness!
Observing everything and BEING
Attendance as if has been sought
Call of trepie rufous deafening the soul!

Sought by cool breeze, 
black drongo alights...
Black ash on earth 
"Death-rebirth," a call from soul was heard,
Reflecting ponds, a moment still mirrored!!!

Cross the bridge and take the turn,
Lively earth will welcome!
Blackbird, spreading its wing
on dead tree the soul discovered...
Enchanting, a glimpse it was!

As PEACE engulfed the soul,
Peace, when is, found within!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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