Friday 2 December 2016

A tale of a Soul – Part I

How do one explain things
that is in no control and decipherable
in ordinary circumstances…
Of winding ways and paths
that take you to a different world!
World, where everything twists and turn
from path to fields to lovelorn ways!
Place, which is wild yet very humane
real and pure… 

Where the need to smear
with the deep dark cold earth
feels and seems strong!
People look at you with recognition and awe
as if it’s not for the first time at all!
A motherly figure, looks into the eyes
Calling, “Ah! Come here my elder daughter…”
unleashing strings of memory in her.
Strict, stubborn and epitome of Love!

“Master of Logic and Wisdom,”
she has been known!
Unravelling, a tale long forgotten!
Eighteenth century queen
and mother to two beautiful princesses
she held close!

Of King, stuck to time and
matters of hometown!
Eldest daughter being his favourite
calls and seeks her wisdom!
Daughter who walked in confidence
 as if all place on earth was her…
Bountiful and lovingly,
Amor, she was called…”

A daughter, who dwelt in nature
a brave warrior, she was known!
Her laughter, chimed in palaces
in gardens, pigeons of peace,
flew and circled her head thrice…
In such ambiance, she seems to have stood

such was the TIME, she has walked into…

A cry of battle often was heard
of subjects and smiling faces
gearing up for a cause!
Whimpering lips and rock still heart
all ready, to lay up their lives!
Saffron meeting the red
in valiant fights
a mark of tree, they say!

Cries of pain and agony
loud and clear was heard!
“Motherland! Hail Motherland!”
An echo, reverberating from the soul…
Of men who sacrificed for their motherland
with smiling eyes, punctuating their soul!
Fever unknown gripping the soul!

Much is to be said,
of what is a beginning, of an End!
Of tales, known and unknown to the soul
when fever shall grip the soul again…

Pic Courtesy: Google

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