Waking up to alarm ringing
with incessant cawing of the crow
it realized sleep has left the soul…
Somewhere deep inside,
it didn’t want to go for a walk,
a touch of melancholy as if
for moment had engulfed…
But does the soul had any choice,
when the crow sit near your window
and tell you to wake up…
Bowing down to the wish
of nature and the lord
the soul was ready to put the foot forward!
Crow welcoming it was…eating and drinking
day full of food and love, conveyed…
What though was stunning, to see it play
with an electric wire, hung loose…
Magpie robin flew away from the soul
it appeared then from nowhere…
Keeping a watch as if on the soul
intriguing it felt, for sure…
Appearing and disappearing,
it made its presence felt...
Drongo, a silent picture it was to perceive
pigeon, perched on traffic light
orange colour, sign and symbol of caution it is
cross only when it is safe!
Mysterious nature, awestruck it was
mother loving, always she is!
the soul was ready to put the foot forward!
Crow welcoming it was…eating and drinking
day full of food and love, conveyed…
What though was stunning, to see it play
with an electric wire, hung loose…
Magpie robin flew away from the soul
it appeared then from nowhere…
Keeping a watch as if on the soul
intriguing it felt, for sure…
Appearing and disappearing,
it made its presence felt...
Drongo, a silent picture it was to perceive
pigeon, perched on traffic light
orange colour, sign and symbol of caution it is
cross only when it is safe!
Mysterious nature, awestruck it was
mother loving, always she is!
Cattle egret while
headed north east
cormorant, headed south west, the soul noticed...
Rufous trepie was a common sight
a presence as if it wanted to convey…
Chirpy the soul was
reminded the mother of potbellied souls!
Souls, where the dhoti rolled down
from sumptuous meal...
Old friend, it was reminded of
what it observed though was
a smile crossing mother’s face...
A moment, best it was to behold
cormorant, headed south west, the soul noticed...
Rufous trepie was a common sight
a presence as if it wanted to convey…
Chirpy the soul was
reminded the mother of potbellied souls!
Souls, where the dhoti rolled down
from sumptuous meal...
Old friend, it was reminded of
what it observed though was
a smile crossing mother’s face...
A moment, best it was to behold
Nothing is as beautiful, as she is, it knew!
Cuckoo calls short it was,
mother said, the season has passed
why was it then cooing at all...
Tried again to make her laugh
“the short call was for the short one…”
Lost she was the soul understood,
but tried to keep her bringing back!
Black cat, stopped mid-way
distracted by something or so it felt!
Mother’s warning it was to it
stay there or be killed….
Thought what superstitious mark our soul
as we give into the way of the world…
Temple mighty it is,
bowed down with all its heart…
As soon as the soul came out
bright light of Sun, shone and shimmered!
distracted by something or so it felt!
Mother’s warning it was to it
stay there or be killed….
Thought what superstitious mark our soul
as we give into the way of the world…
Temple mighty it is,
bowed down with all its heart…
As soon as the soul came out
bright light of Sun, shone and shimmered!
Black plum fruit filled up the nostril
all in a row, standing tall!
Beneficial it is for soul with diabetic
that it can be dried and eaten was case in point!
Red whiskered bulbul, kept a close watch
wanted to hand it, a microscope…
hahahhaha…the thought, funny it was
but felt it following and was intrigued!
Cymbals and music loud
in air,
“Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare…”
Holy chant loud and clear, filling up the soul
Opened the eyes to see, souls in three….
Mother has moved away, a gap, little it was
parakeets in three, following one another
to perch on the banyan tree…
Red whiskered bulbul, still following it
Sitting near robin it was
A talk or two, probably to discuss…
What followed next was a sight
the soul laughed and understood…
A crow has stooped low
to place its palm on mother’s head!
Confirmed it was when it said,
ominous it is, of crow at head…
Made her understand, nothing is ominous
a message from spirit realm it was…
Blessings and love, from her departed father
a month, complete it was!
Explaining of different books it studied,
a part of the world they are, don’t worry!
She said, yes it is how the village people thought
and that, on that day, crow should be fed!
Chapatti she said of feeding it,
why chapatti, give a proper meal...
for potbellied soul, that you are going to make…
“Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare…”
Holy chant loud and clear, filling up the soul
Opened the eyes to see, souls in three….
Mother has moved away, a gap, little it was
parakeets in three, following one another
to perch on the banyan tree…
Red whiskered bulbul, still following it
Sitting near robin it was
A talk or two, probably to discuss…
What followed next was a sight
the soul laughed and understood…
A crow has stooped low
to place its palm on mother’s head!
Confirmed it was when it said,
ominous it is, of crow at head…
Made her understand, nothing is ominous
a message from spirit realm it was…
Blessings and love, from her departed father
a month, complete it was!
Explaining of different books it studied,
a part of the world they are, don’t worry!
She said, yes it is how the village people thought
and that, on that day, crow should be fed!
Chapatti she said of feeding it,
why chapatti, give a proper meal...
for potbellied soul, that you are going to make…
As it was saying thus,
green leaf fell from a tree, followed by yellow one
Strange it felt, didn’t know what it meant…
A strange bird, it saw perched at a distance
unable to perceive or comprehend…
green leaf fell from a tree, followed by yellow one
Strange it felt, didn’t know what it meant…
A strange bird, it saw perched at a distance
unable to perceive or comprehend…
“Four eyed,” the soul mocked itself
you left the other two, way back home!
Laughing as it was to itself,
calmed it was to see Drongo perched nearer to it!
Pigeon in corner, a message they had
retreat and be in your world,!
Same old fella the soul saw
this time with green t - shirt
blue jeans and red sandals!
A lost soul, it was, head bent the soul had noticed...
Prayer of happiness it had for it
may it find itself and have a soulful walk!
Friend old, it perceived, on the way
told “Hi,” but probably thought the soul was lost!
Parakeet head it made
as if the soul will not notice it at all…
hehehhehe…the soul laughed out loud,
returning home, peaceful and quiet!
Day to remember the parting soul
blessings and love it was to seek!
Flow of river, silent, it was to be
prayer of light, love and peace!
blessings and love it was to seek!
Flow of river, silent, it was to be
prayer of light, love and peace!
Pic Courtesy: Google
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