Sleeping late,
Opening eye lids in haste...
Visualising the mystical blue saint
Sitting up, wide awake!
Coaxing, nagging, a pull at soul
Freshening up and getting ready to roll...
Stepped onto the terrace
To be welcomed whole heartedly
Into the world...
By a beautiful wisp of cloud in azure sky!
Light filled morning
Birds, chirping and singing...
Olive backed sunbird in pair,
Perching for few seconds,
Only to collect twigs with care!
Busy, flying, tree to tree
Nesting, being the purpose of flying spree!
Pigeon, sunbathing and relaxing,
Drinking water from ground,
As if texting, through gulping sound...
Pied myna, hide and seek it played,
Bringing joy to heart as soul caked!
With its eyes focused on screen,
breathing life as moments of being!
Oriental magpie Robin, perched close to heart
Giving solace to ailing heart as art!
It has eyes of eternal stories,
Wish I could sit near and hear it !!!
Common myna, a sight to behold,
Perched on coconut tree...
With perfect winged yellow kohl
Conveying chromatic story, new and old!!!
Volcanic eyes, protecting the black buttons with golden stroke...
Red fires deep down,
Holding the heart of gold!
Wearing the emerald green purple fur around its neck,
A white line on her beak,
Made it look so elegant!
Such posture, such gesture,
Never had soul felt
Or is this the repetition of story
Heard many times by an old friend!
A single tiny five petalled flower
Captured the soul in its track...
No matter, how chaotic the life might be around,
Stay calm and quiet, amidst the hullabaloo and crowd!
Nature has its own way to teach lessons:
Stay kind, find your purpose in time...
Presentable mind, peaceful and harmonious at the centre
as eternity chime!
First Pic Courtesy: Google
Rest Pic taken on 19/09/2020 morning,