Saturday, 19 September 2020

Melting, Liberating, Flying Fats: K.I.A!


Steroid makes life hell,

But, when it's given to avoid the knell Bell...

One waits for time

to heal and make you feel strong again!!!

It doesn't happens with sweet talks,

False promises and hopes!

Bend in the path comes,

When love behold love as wonderful sight to hold!

Motivation, inspirational, telling you how...

Life is beautiful, when you look up and know!


To melt the ice and be fair to all!


FOR LIFE will take a turn and be whole!

In matters of jump or dance as an expression of mirth!

LIFE IS PURPOSEFUL with Love as wonderful hearth!

Warmth of LOVE, JOY of Life...

Stay in NOW and BURN wrong vibes!

Keep it to a day: K.I.A, 

Stay strong and visualise the day as wonderful unfolding of LOVE in LIFE, again 💞


Pic Courtesy: Google 

Morning Chimes!


Sleeping late,

Opening eye lids in haste...

Visualising the mystical blue saint

Sitting up, wide awake!

Coaxing, nagging, a pull at soul

Freshening up and getting ready to roll...

Stepped onto the terrace

To be welcomed whole heartedly

Into the world...

By a beautiful wisp of cloud in azure sky!

Light filled morning

Birds, chirping and singing...

Olive backed sunbird in pair, 

Perching for few seconds,

 Only to collect twigs with care!

Busy, flying, tree to tree

Nesting, being the purpose of flying spree!

Pigeon, sunbathing and relaxing,

Drinking water from ground, 

As if texting, through gulping sound...

Pied myna, hide and seek it played,

Bringing joy to heart as soul caked!

With its eyes focused on screen, 

breathing life as moments of being!

Oriental magpie Robin, perched close to heart

Giving solace to ailing heart as art!

It has eyes of eternal stories,

Wish I could sit near and hear it !!!

Common myna, a sight to behold,

Perched on coconut tree...

With perfect winged yellow kohl

Conveying chromatic story, new and old!!!

Volcanic eyes, protecting the black buttons with golden stroke...

Red fires deep down,

Holding the heart of gold!

Wearing the emerald green purple fur around its neck,

A white line on her beak,

Made it look so elegant!

Such posture, such gesture,

Never had soul felt

Or is this the repetition of story

Heard many times by an old friend!

A single tiny five petalled flower 

Captured the soul in its track...

No matter, how chaotic the life might be around,

Stay calm and quiet, amidst the hullabaloo and crowd!

Nature has its own way to teach lessons:

Stay kind, find your purpose in time...

Presentable mind,  peaceful and harmonious at the centre 

 as eternity chime!


First Pic Courtesy: Google

Rest Pic taken on 19/09/2020 morning, 


Monday, 14 September 2020

Dream Journal: Journeying through Unknown

Exhausted from traveling,  

A pause the soul takes...

Eat, sleep, drink, play and sing,

Going blank, when on breaks!

At 00:00 knot, life journeys into train,

Train it is, or line of thoughts!

Babu ji, moving to-and-fro

For cup of tea, being hot...

Maa, you were smiling at me, 

Looking content and quiet!

Vision of the girl on station,

Loosed curly hair, drying up in bright sun overhead!

Reading, with content...

Relaxed and happy in her state of presence!

Tea being prepared on front seat,

Arrangement you said, 

Was made by neighbouring lady who helped!

Serving tea to you, Babu ji

Had asked you, where are we headed to, 

Please suggest... 

Answering, my question, you said, 

"You shall see, have patience, my dearest!"

White clean cup, I served you in, Babu ji🙏

But, on picking up cup for Maa... 

The cup had turned black and swarmed with ants around...

On picking up a second cup, 

It had same story to suggest!

Uneasy, back it was to real world!

Sat silent for a long time,

Thinking, you felt so real...

Amazingly, alive...

And, not dead at all!

Interpreting it or leaving it, as it is, the soul thought...

Journeying into the unknown or believing, what it brought!

Who are we in the larger part of world,

Experiencing moments in harmonizing lot!

Babu ji: My Maternal Grandfather
Maa: My mother

Pic Courtesy: Google (1,2,4,6,7,9)

Namaste 🙏

Friday, 11 September 2020

Morning Blues, Evening Hues!!!

Life throws it all upside down...

When we believe, everything is right and nothing wrong!

A journey to home:

Soul is sent on...

To meet life, as it rolls on...


Waves in sky, 

Changing its colour: breathtakingly beautiful, as we fly...

Amazing, astonishing and moment to stop by...


Mesmerized as the soul views it,

Unsettlment, seeps in, as moments roll by...

Changing colour,

Giving a time in space

Where breath is difficult to inhale...


Uneasy, the soul gulps and frown

To sky, which says it all...

Felt like crying, breaking down

From moments flying colourful to space that brings moment around!


Visions and feelings in nature,

Shaping reality, as the soul shockingly takes it all!

Morning blues, Evening hues...

Crying of soul, in between news of being in space as calls!


Cry of love, rush of prayer...

Fervently said, "For life on earth, should stay!"🙏

The guide of soul, did convey...

Stay special, embrace it all,

In moments of difficulty:

Let LIGHT, LOVE and PEACE prevail!


  Pictures taken on 09/09/2020 on the way from Chandhikhole to Cuttack, Odisha🌈

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Padmaja Ramamurthy Rao: An Icon🙏

Engrossed in moment,

Opening of soulful stimulant...

Life opens the door up,

To reveal a reflection of an awe, inspiring teacher in life's cup!

Smiling, being a champion of the lot...

Teaching, being passionate about!

Shunning off the old traditional way,

Methodology of bringing  words alive as projects, activities, being her forte!


Everything begins as a challenge, they say,

As tables turn, freeing herself and everyone around her in a play!

A-Live, when she could find her way,

In a classroom of wonderful clays!

Being magical in her words,

Ideas struck to her as flowing sparks!

With every turn of the wheel,

She moulded it with love, care and patience of being!

With time rolling on,

She bagged a high place for her to sail!

Duty bounded her in chain again,

To give it up all for the family the she loved and gained!

But, who can ever extinguish the fire and passion, she was...

Time, gave her an opportunity again!

To sail her boat, 

with language four:

Hindi, English, Kannad and Tamil to core!

This time, no one can stop her,

For being her true self:

Of being a mother, teacher and light worker, bringing light to life as bond!

With compassion and love, she blew the trumpet loud

With magical four, she moulded them all!

Awe-inspiring and motivational for all:

Laid the rule of five down...

Of being a good teacher!


"Be a facilitator, being first,

Respect the individual as individual, being second...

Getting into their privacy,

Is none of our business at all, being third

Gossiping about children behind their back is inhuman, being fourth

Following instincts as torch bearer," being fifth,

"Keep the environment of class, light and healthy for all!"

An icon for many women's to follow,

Trendsetter, go getter and inspirational for achievers!

What can I say more of women of such grandeur and place...

Blessed to have known her,

As reader, writer, teacher and follower 🙏

Links to know more about Madam:

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Echo, Re-Echoing of World!

Moments in number fly
when connection with nothing to everything, cries…
Soul, being the talk, deep core
Between Universe and Self, the journey, reverberates as whole!

“Art is twice removed from reality…,” Plato did say
Image and imagination, a process of being, as ray!
With archetypes as metaphors,
 unfolding of pattern as imaginal roots or as mythical ancestors!

At times as ideas, at times as myth
from behavior to action to consciousness, it does speak!
Disclosure of human understanding at collective level
when words as wings become the gift of eternal!

Gift: only when felt as human,
Emotion in thousand run as motion!
Feelings that touches us deep core,
does see personification of soul!

Melodious: musical or jazz,
revelation, it is of heart!
Question, it is of thus…
Personifying of archetypes it is, or ancestors as myth!

Memory upon memory, we fall on...
taking clue from divine instinct or mythological ancestral as gong!
An impression on psyche being felt
Call it genes, transcending of tales in psyche, or knowing of heart! 

Art bursting forth of existence in imagination then,
Prepares the base to whatever reality, we confirm
Or create of our own... 
while living a life of dream within dream, as whole!

Life in multi fold shall unfold
when we allow our soul to console:
          Divinity, through choice, we make...           
as instinctual institution or writing of God of our own!

Every day, a new day to live then
         believing and experiencing, everything that it brings!
There are many lives to be lived,
Before death do put us to sleep!

Pic Courtesy: Google

 From inspirational book: James Hillman's Re-visioning Psychology 

Namaste _/\_