Monday, 14 September 2020

Dream Journal: Journeying through Unknown

Exhausted from traveling,  

A pause the soul takes...

Eat, sleep, drink, play and sing,

Going blank, when on breaks!

At 00:00 knot, life journeys into train,

Train it is, or line of thoughts!

Babu ji, moving to-and-fro

For cup of tea, being hot...

Maa, you were smiling at me, 

Looking content and quiet!

Vision of the girl on station,

Loosed curly hair, drying up in bright sun overhead!

Reading, with content...

Relaxed and happy in her state of presence!

Tea being prepared on front seat,

Arrangement you said, 

Was made by neighbouring lady who helped!

Serving tea to you, Babu ji

Had asked you, where are we headed to, 

Please suggest... 

Answering, my question, you said, 

"You shall see, have patience, my dearest!"

White clean cup, I served you in, Babu ji🙏

But, on picking up cup for Maa... 

The cup had turned black and swarmed with ants around...

On picking up a second cup, 

It had same story to suggest!

Uneasy, back it was to real world!

Sat silent for a long time,

Thinking, you felt so real...

Amazingly, alive...

And, not dead at all!

Interpreting it or leaving it, as it is, the soul thought...

Journeying into the unknown or believing, what it brought!

Who are we in the larger part of world,

Experiencing moments in harmonizing lot!

Babu ji: My Maternal Grandfather
Maa: My mother

Pic Courtesy: Google (1,2,4,6,7,9)

Namaste 🙏


  1. Wowwww!touched me ...vry relatable..this is what u get when u pen down ur real experiences on a blank sheet..brilliant!..u r growing with each passing day..keep it up!

  2. Thanks, Amu! Thank you for encouraging and motivating!!! Love you 😍😍😍😍🌹💞
