Tuesday 23 May 2017

Chimeric Clouds!

The winds brushing lightly against the soft cheek,
making it glow in pleasure…
blushing scarlet, on its constant touch!
Startled, to look up into the sky, to find
The Outlandish Sinister Clouds
following it all around!

Heart takes on a pause,
as it looks down and mocks!
Trying to ignore it and cross by…
Yet, its abrupt appearance and disappearance
has kept it conscious more often!
 “I look at you always,” it seems to have said…
Is that why it’s always there then!

It forms, builds and roars…
Than where does it disappears,
When the soul, gets backs home!
A duel in the sky,
as the Sun tears through it at times
the glow of Sun touching it…
Only to be swallowed by the clouds again.
Builds and rebuilds, to be hugged closer to it!

But, today it showered the soul
with lightning and thunder…
The thunder so loud, 

that it sent shiver down the spine
Eyes a charcoal black, made it cringe inside!
As it swallowed and devoured in seething anger…
Fire lurking in, under its constant gaze
Desire wailing up, with every breath that it took!

As the titus cut holds it captivated…
Lips trembling, hands
make a move to touch the soil.
Escape seeming futile,
when you struggle hard to rise up and fly!

A bond unknown, holds it close
the sinister Cloud, a constant reminder of the spell...
wasn’t the spell broken then?
Or, is it still enchanted in the arms of the enchanter
as it builds and rebuilds itself as Sinister Clouds!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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