Monday 14 December 2015

A Walk into Uncommon Terrain!

The winter was here,
the hoardings said so…
In some kingdom of aliens
felt the queen took to street again.

The crow being chased by mighty this time
swiftly they flew, perching at times.
Eyes rest on some alien I felt
or was I an alien in some untold world!
 Eyes unknown I had felt
my eyes finding the sign of life!
Jungle Pirnia, did I observe
Woodpecker pecking did I felt!

Cow in somberness, stood still in trance
In front of the temple, what is it they meditated on?
Is it they were contemplating now?
Or were they in silent conversation around!
Parakeets in three, swept the sky
Gliding and sliding, in free air.
A sight worth perceiving it was
felt them, so real they were!

Mighty still following the small
the small, in guards of black I found!
A palace came alive in the consciousness
Of Queen, who once walked alone!
 Her subjects trying to recognize her
While, she was lost in her thoughts!
Is it the present, in which the birds were in
or was it a walk in some uncommon terrain!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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