Friday 18 December 2015

NH-5: A Journey!

 As I sit here in some kind of trance,
Waiting to recover from something I can’t explain.
Understanding, I am falling apart
to come together again.

I like a donkey, trying to unburden the soul
of an experience untold!
Of a journey traveled on a Highway
Where I had
often met Death!

My connection with it has been of fifteen years
when as a post graduate scholar
Was inquired if I would travel to and fro!
The answer was instant; it had to be, “Yes!”

Sometimes I would get a seat
Sometimes I would not.
 Traveling was a bliss then
Unforgettable it was!

On returning after a gap of four long years
to travel it again!
It was a resurrection from a pain
healing me all the way!

As I was traveling,
something gave way.
I was told to stop, as the death denied me to check
A long term relationship, had to be given away!

Last year winter, unusual experience it was
in bone freezing chilling weather,
I took on my two wheelers...
to meet, who had denied to meet me once!

With open arms, it hugged me
cooling the fire that was lurking in me.
The fire named anger, it was worst
Not wanting to live thus!

 Tears it had kissed,
wrapping me in its cool arms I felt!
Never asking me a question, of:
“What had happened, say?”
A journey made often, when I used to get upset!

It didn’t like, when I had made a blissful journey
Almost killing me, stay careful it had said!
Not that it would have mattered much
For Life and Death, are same as such!

On December 13, it was glowing in beautiful lights
welcoming back, after a long break we met!
With crackers bursting, a child in wonder sees
Happiness and Love, to be perceived all the way as it is!

Pic Courtesy: Google!