Wednesday 23 December 2015

Gift of Three!

Trying to shake myself from the drowning sleep
Got ready to take the morning walk,
Yearning to see, Sun again

who seems to have taken three days rest at a stretch!

Observed Drongo, Crow and pigeon all perched together!
And, I asked Maa, “How is it that three different breeds
are sitting together, especially when they are of three different kinds?”
Apt came her rationale,
“Isn’t people with differences fight, yet come together again!”

Stunning she is, inside and out, I felt!
How amazing it is that whenever I have a question
she always has an answer to it!
Later reminding of Gift of Magi in three!

Saw some boys in group smiling this way
leaving me puzzled I didn’t know them!
Moving forward a dead dog lay
it made me think, why there is no law for animals at all?


Pigeon in lines were perched in front of a renowned temple
and, an assembly of crows, taking to the road.
Moving ahead, Maa spoke of mundane worldly affairs
While, my eyes looked out for beautiful birds
perched in trees, my heart seeks!

In an open field, saw crow chasing away the pigeon
or is it some kind of game, they are in!
Cattle egret swaying its head to and fro like snake
threw a curious glance at me
Becoming conscious of the observation.
Making me smile, Oh! These have Souls!No doubt!

Jungle Prinia perched in different branches
three in number called me out!
“Hullo! How have you been?”
What do I answer to that!

Conscious they are of my heart!
Drongo three in branches of tree, swirled and twirled
felt them ask, “Hey! Vaidehi! Why don’t you join us?”

 As I laid down my plans to be executed in front of my mother
she said, “Do it and don’t stop at all?”
Half way through, and saw a puppy dead!
Law there is none! Nothing at all!

A man who feeds the dogs and puppies
was being followed by three each!
As I was walking forward
Felt like a child, running into her mother’s arm.

Parakeets in three, as usual were playful in the air
Three: they say is heavenly number!
Faith, Hope and Love it brought together.
The number three being loud and clear!

Crow as usual snapped me out, wanted to ask it
“Why do I feel so close to them?
So real and ethereal, so close to my heart!”
It just had one message for the moment, “Fly High, Dearest!”

Eventful day it is going to be, felt throughout
a gloomy look, though the sky will have!
Never give up on the day
Just carry on...

Pic Courtesy: Google

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