Saturday 23 July 2016

Angry thoughts and being Free!

When anger seethes your being…
Question thyself, what shakes up the inner being?
Understand, it is time to be alone,
alone, seeking solace, for you were born as one!

What is it that controls your thought
thought, either liberates or binds you down!
Free, when you were born…
why is it then, a single thought, shakes you up!

Is it wrong to be light amidst darkness?
Be yourself, and be free from thoughts…
Why should what mass think, bother the self,
 when the self has always
been free from any kind of botheration…

Everyone is in their soulful journey,
every  journey unique in itself!
The journey of the self,
helping each other Home,
if needed arises or asked for!

Let not the Life be decided and run
by others thought and skepticism!
When philosophy of Universe speaks
“You are the center of your own being!”

Why then does the opinion of other matter,
when what other think,
is their soulful reflection…
Sooner or later, they will reach
where they are meant to be!

Helping and being is one thing
getting entangled, another!
What is the solace then?
Observing Nature around...

Bloom of Lythraceae in full,
bumble bee and butterflies, a lively love of school!
In bright sunlight, they shone...
beauty and wonder, a wonderful zone!

Hehehhehe…being free spirited
understood that thoughts liberating
it should be, not tied up with something, one is not!
Be complete and one with oneself…
not being understood, then, is a trait of great souls!

Love, Live and feel free,
listening to what one’s heart say…
Believing in Love, Light and Peace
Spreading it, if one has little more and free...

Pic Courtesy: Google
Except third and fourth!

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