Monday 18 July 2016

Life in Now: 18/07/2016

Every end is a new beginning they say
or, is it a continuation of a day past!
Waking up and getting ready
to be one with, what is so pleasant!
Accepting life as it is and
being, could be the only bliss!

Walked to find, pigeon and crow around,
 robin, when it had start missing...
amazed, it was to find it, at the turn!
Is it hiding from the soul
for having fallen in Love with it!

It is Love, had always thought
so why does it shy away from Love!
hehehehhe…silly thought…silly...
So, moved on…

Cormorant circled to sit in a field
filled with water…
yet the morning was silent or so the soul felt!
It was still missing the winged friends around...

Maa, where are they, as soon as
the soul had asked…
Lo and behold, group of parakeets
picked my heart up…

When it drew the attention of Maa
she failed to notice, what a sight
they were together…

The soul asked itself
why do birds in flight doesn’t amaze us!
While, birds in zoo,
  fills us with pleasure! 

Cattle egret in flight
while, a crow, the soul smiled at...
Drongo, was around, but all alone!
Where is your mate, bud?
or, alone time did you want!
Tree lovingly it touched,
felt one with earth…

Cattle egret on a single wall
a smile it threw with love…
hehehehe…inquisitively it looked
at the soul, no doubt...

Greater coucal, in a doctor’s compound
Oh! Hello, Doctor! Are you aware?
Wanted to knock at his door and ask?

A day of grilling it was meant to be
having prepared mentally!
A trip, it was to never never land
Beautiful clouds and greenery welcomed
the soul open heart!

Round and round, it moved like Cormorant
to reach at the destiny, the call!
A wait of short time in luxury
awards and achievements hung tall!

What caught the eye was
the picture of sulking Einstein…
took a close look at it,
only to be asked as if...
"What are you doing here?"
heheehhehe…oh! Lovable soul…

Wait of short time was over
only to be notified to come back again!
Prophecy of the sulking Einstein
as if coming true…
God, bless the soul!

Another turn, the soul took
only to feel uncomfortable with the surrounding!
Shakespeare’s soul in words, 

ripples as if from past, it played…

If that’s what destiny hold for me
worst and good, all are part of the same soul!
Who is the soul to decide?
Everything that happens and is happening
nothing is in self's hand…
All that is destined to happen
will happen, no matter what!

On return, circling of storks in pair
was a joyful sight…
Wish could capture the moment, then and there…
Cormorant, crossing the bridge,
at the same time, the soul was…
Ah! Life in sync, as if has come alive!

Maa mocked the soul,
though, no complain, she had!
Few more days, a gift of Love
from the Universe!
Make the most of it...
before the Fate decides upon Life!

So many tasks needed to be completed
reading and writing, a last take!
Happily, to cuddle in mother’s lap
seeing her smile and laughter
to remember and cherish
when the moment had passed!

Life is eventful, every passing moment
an event in itself!
A gift to those, who live it completely...
Lost to them, who are engaged in past
and in thoughts, of what is to come!

Pic Courtesy: Google
Save, Third and Fourth!

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