Wednesday 6 July 2016

Emerald Nature

The soul reluctant to wake up
mother’s voice was a constant nag!
A little lazy at heart and soul
dragged itself up, to take the stroll!

Drongo in three were chirpy overhead
so many things they had to talk about!
Jungle prinia silent in bushes they were
probably remaining silent, being their call!

Only when it thought of
magpie Robin being not around…
A majestic appearance it made
spreading its wings to perch on the line!

As it moved forward, a pair of pigeon
perched on “Enkon,” casually it took
but it kept on appearing on it
as if to remind the soul of something
it had not known!

White throated Kingfisher alighted in front
a pleasantness and present to the soul!
Parakeet in single, flew west
while cormorant took to north east...

An acknowledgment was on the way
but the soul lost in beauty of nature, took time to recall!
As it moved ahead, the green reflecting was vibrant
All shades they were, a reflection of beauty and galore…

Mother, was fun to be around
cuckoo call and a hoot somewhere, rocked the world!
A peace in air engulfed the soul,
away from the drama of the world!

Squirrel a reminder of company old
childhood and memories, untold!
Staring at it for long hours
when the company of friends were few!

Red whiskered bulbul sat in pair
what though was different,
was their sitting apart…
On noticing it
one of them, shifted to the bush!

Grasses glistening with dew drops
a sight to behold and recall!
Every drop as if becoming a part of the soul,
while, the smell of plum tree filled up the soul!

Cow dung smell, though distracting it was
auspicious considered by villagers
and part of earth!
Asian koel, after a long time it saw
Drongo chirping was a constant watch!

The sun shining through the park
glistening and shining, amazing to look on!
Mother earth in green,
comfort it was to the inner soul!

Crow wing a dark chocolate, in sun
oh, the craving of soul, it knew…
Tea smell filling up the morning air
wished someone pampered the soul, with it!

Beautiful earth in different shades of green,
the soul observed...
Synchronizing with earth
and the world around!

Pic Courtesy: Google
Sixth Pic Courtesy: Sujoy Dasgupta

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