Wednesday 27 July 2016

Timeless Time


Soul walking towards a golden sunshine
remembered friends old and wished them...
Light and Love, the soul was bathing in,
A strange weakness descended on soul thereafter…

Soul, dragged itself, understood the day...
the day of humps and pain it is going to be!
And, as it was about to collapse on the way
Strange feeling of support, the soul found next to it!

Getting the will-power strong,
it dragged itself ten steps behind her mother
Mother, who led the path…
Path, though difficult, reached home!

Home, a lonesome tale of sleep
Sleep that heals and brings comfort!
Slept, slept and slept on...
to wake up with headache, strong!

Lamp, magical of beautiful laughter,
and soulful chuckling it heard…
The soul, in smile, move towards
such soulful laughter…

Magical world of memories
someone has rubbed the heart with!
Amazed and stunned, it walked
to visualize the beautiful smile all around!

A moment, completely wiped out of the memory
stood still, looking at it and being hugged hard!
Encouraging, motivating and full of Love,
reminded of all, that once has been…

Memory, sweet and old, carefree and full of laughter
mockery and merriment in the air…
Alive, as if we have come to each other again
Of life and name, the foundation of our being together!

Journey of souls, as we look at each other
with smile and love, walk again…
Walk down the memory lane
of days, beautiful, which was once around!

As the soul, with content slept,
tucked it was like child, by the father again…
A moment, blissful it had lived
to dream of lake and being wrapped...

Wrapped around with Love and Life…
Breathing fresh: air, water, leaf, sunlight and oneness!
Butterfly in single, perching at them
Undisturbed and calm, captured by time!

Pic Courtesy: Google
Except for First one!

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