Monday 18 July 2016


Where have you been soul,
in which world are you lost.
Is it the thought of past four days
or the moment that is Now!

Synchronizing of the soul,
or was it the talk of heart…
journey when Kingfisher or the birds
some fine it had noticed on a journey!

Reaching early on a playground,
startled a green insect, and got startled in return
a part of green banyan tree who was…
Touch of the sands, feel of earth around!

As it started missing Magpie robin
the hearts frequency as if it had heard...
Saw it moving in waves and perched on the tree top
Oh, the feel of it, what a gracious presence the soul had!

Rufous trepie in number three,
had made an appearance…
Cuckoo and crow, all company, in ground unknown…
Life lost in complete harmony, with Nature around!

Drawn towards the mural made in school campus
story of summer, it spoke as if…
Brilliant minds coming together, five signs intact…
Scorpio, Cancer, Libran, Capricorn and Pisces!

Another mural had ying-yang and technology filled up
separated by time intervals
but brought together,
by moon with side-glance and round nose…

A story in picture of…
  all signs set together!
Be it India, America or
  Germany, a distant one!

Third mural, made the soul laugh out loud
“discovering is a disease, spread it,” it said…
Brilliant, aha, it was….space man
with mind of Universe or Universe in him!

Fourth mural was all signs and symbols
with a spaceman or woman in it…
difficult to say, as it had worn a helmet…

The day filled with great awareness flew
remembering of past
life, learning-unlearning
meeting old friend of college times…
moment filled up of events, it is!

Ever changing sky, reminding soul of
days spent in Kashmir…
At times hot, cold at times, climate humid
all to be felt…

Birds of different color, filling up the soul
Living life every moment…
In green nature, with clear sky
or dark clouds hovering above!

What was startling to see, was...
souls engaged in the click of temple!
Unable to connect with the soul, they carry inside.
Forgetting the frequency of Love,
with beauty of Nature around!

What began as memory to cherish
became an addiction, of wrong order!
Separating them from their own being
being, that connected the souls together,
rather than bringing them apart…

What can the soul do, other than,
Pray for Light, Peace and Love of Souls!
Illuminating the soul of the highest frequency,
named Mother Earth; Nature
connecting and seeking blessing of  her
while making the right use of tech-no-logy in hand!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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