Sunday 3 July 2016

Moment of Love

Numbness such there was ,
words would never be enough to speak!
Though aware of everything around
Silence is a language, the soul wanted to stick!
As the soul rushed to get ready,
an evening that has passed...
didn’t want to leave the hair lose,
reason, unknown to the soul!
As it reached the destination,
happy it was to meet old friends
almost after a gap of eighteen!

Shaking of hands replaced with embrace of love,
as mermaid, beautiful, mocked the soul!
hehehhehe…Life is beautiful,
when you take the life, as it come…
Love and only love, when bursts around!

You don’t look as beautiful as the portrays
photogenic, some souls are no doubt…
adjectives and adjectives all they are,
a reflection of illusionary thought…
hehehhehe…the soul laughed inside out
strange, such thoughts didn’t bother her at all!
When one perceives beauty, only skin deep…
it will not meet more than the casual eye!

Love one should be filled up with
all then, one sees, is love around!
Garden of roses, in hometown
all unique in their light, that shone…
glowing beautifully and was fun!
Coldness if there was any,
it was hard to distinguish…
Warmth of love, when the heart has to give out!

Fun and laughter, all around
merrily the hearts sang out!
When it came to worldliness
the soul was alien to the ways…
Language of love and presence
it only knew, how to give!

Memories beautiful to cherish
Love and beauty all around!
As the soul bid adieu to the host of love and friends
what it brought back home then
was light and love!

Home, a crazy ground though it was…
when the time extends more than said!
Yet, a calming effect the soul had on them!
Question to all their queries, there was one,
it was love and love it was!

Morning walk, the soul had took
  melodious song of whiskered bulbul at top!
Indifferent robin, looked at soul
message to sharpen the skill it was!

Pigeon and crows, all signs and symbols
of morning talk, of previous day!
There was though nothing at all to say
way of life, will disclose as it is destined!

Cool breeze of morning air,
dark clouds all spread out…
Mother, serious talk she had
of neighbors and of world around!
Diverted her mind to wet trees and breeze
making her laugh, in process…
My little treasure and the love,
solace, her smile, to the soul…

Drew my attention to a man in walk
dressed up in t-shirt
white, trousers grey it was
 red sandal, and...
an umbrella, hanging at the back of his shirt...

A sight, that had us laugh out loud...
Ways of life tell us, thus,
stay in moment and observe!
Love and laughter is always around
cherish it, and be in love!

Embrace with Love, when you meet
realizing there is nothing to lose or win!
Everyone unique in his or her own light…
A star and part of vast Galaxy, One we are...
Love and only Love, when there is to give!
Love and only Love, when there is to give!!
Love and only Love, when there is to give!!!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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