Thursday 4 August 2016


Engulfed by pain, the pain in heart was unbearable
it was soul’s own or borrowed, hard to know!
What a prickly-pinching pain it was...
rest, as if being…its only solace!

Inside storm often manifest outside,
as thunderstorm ensued nearby!
The soul doesn’t seem to be scared any more
difficult to decide, attached or detached it was!

Evening, a gift it was, to be…
be in the sweet smile of a child!
Numerous things it had to share
in its own alien language and universal smile!

Wind cold it was, as the soul took
a drive,
long, for a purpose!
Wind that heals the pain, that lies deep down…
Strange it is, it is to feel the happenings around!

Disconnection when there is
there is and has been none!
Tired the soul was, but,
it kept working on!

Realizing, a toll on health it is
a proper rest, is what the soul, was in need of!
Sleeping long and deep, renewed to experience
experience of being and alive!

Drongo, a stunning sight, next morning it was…
snatching away, the food, straight from egrets mouth!
What a sight to behold and laugh…
dumbstruck egret might have been,
gold for another though!

Life is eventful, unable to keep a track...
write and read or work, participating in game of life!
As if into abyss of "Alice" and its wonder world
the soul has tumbled down into…

Everything manifests in its right time,
it is, as it is meant to be!
No complains, nothing to say at all
A day gift today, to be grateful about!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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