Tuesday 16 August 2016

Sadness and Happiness: A Part of Life!

When one lives life in Now,
many events one notices unfolding!
Sometimes family, sometime friends
waves, as time, breaks through life!

 Father, the superman, infirm, unsettles the gut
prayer and prayer, soul prays to heal!
A day flies off with disturbance and chaos
rain in the evening, as if all settles it down!

Morning, a beautiful, to look forward
A friend, natural smile, touched the soul!
Tears streaming in eyes, alive it felt
All is going to be fine, the heart, thus said!

Illusion, if this life is, is meant to be lived…
Vibration of positivity, as if had spread!
It is going to be a beautiful day,
and, so it was and is!

 When one remains in present
Life, solves half of the problem!
One after another, it did,
what was to be done…

Good news, a neighbor did have,
happy it was, in its happiness!
Smile, it was, and a beautiful smile,
to treasure, close to the soul!

A Friend, hilarious, made the soul laugh,
Laughed and laughed…
“till-until,” the soul ended up being sad!
Thought of the moments that will never be same
Better to be and live in now, the soul said!

 Synchronizing of spicy food, filled the soul,
the smell so strong, as if the soul, had no choice at all!
Good news, another, did roll out,
carry on, until, the final, call comes!

As the soul, relaxes and prepares
for another day, yet to come!
The soul, revels in the music,
played outside the window, by rain drops!

As if the tuning of Nature,
has been set forth…

Reminding the soul of dancing leaves,
when once, the soul was sad!
Realizing, everything, a part and parcel of soul
Living it, completely, the way it comes,
the Only comfort!

Pic Courtesy: Google

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