Monday 1 August 2016

United we stand, divided we fall!

The soul has been staring long at the screen
decision it was trying to make some!
A call, from an unknown quarter
had the soul traveling to momentous moments of Life!

Assurance of friend, the soul had…
to be and be, what the soul crave for!
Blossoming of the garden it was…
a beautiful sight of smile and cordiality around!

Saturday, thirtieth of seventh month
there he was, the enlightened soul in black!
One who understands, there is more to learn
Life, being a great journey to ponder and question back!

Vishnu it was, discriminated and divided
by cultural narration of two different TRUSTS!
TRUST, everlasting when built on root
Rest uprooted, within a matter of hundred!

Two different take on two different TRUST it was
Tirupati Vishnu in debt, thus richer by 2262 crore!
While, Lord Jagannath being brother,
thrives on one crore and struggles! 

Soul was laughing out loud inside…
hahahahah…Vishnu and your Maya!
At some place you love to be known in being debt
While, others you love being one with Man-kind!

Cultural heritage, so rich in and around Puri
why and what stops US from prospering then!
Are we yet to explore more and be systematic
or will the history of blame game carry on…

Ali Baba’s and Baidu, “the Google of China,”
Second session on IT, it was, completely engrossed
and shocked, didn’t know how to react…
thought of friend, family and nation, all filled up!

Think of IT as a single industry,
industry, which rose up as a curse…
Curse, because all individual branches
mechanical, civil, et al, lost an identity of its own!

Had they have their own identity,
research there would have been more!
Development of Nation there was none
crippling thought it has been of one!

Example then, the Alibaba of China, has been one,
Blocking Baidu, “the Google of China,”
when they had taken up the call…
Reminding instantly, old tale of Ali Baba and forty thieves…

Should we allow them to find our home
to cripple or kill us!
Or should we find our own search engine
and be our own boss!
"Thirty years have passed
why didn’t we grow and why still infant at thirty, at all?"

"Selling of best brains of our nation, oversees tax,
on which there has been none!
When Ali Baba, as a search engine,
can stand of its own!
What happened to the heroic spirit of our nation
to stand alone and be independent of its own!"

Think of the situation, if Google withdraws
for couple of day, how crippling and depressing it would be…
So, when is it that we depend on our good self?
Best brains if we have, why not for our Nation, first!

Development in cost of humanity is complete trash
every individual has the right to live and breathe!
Third session on "National Pride or National Shame," it was...
Development in name of mankind can never last long
it might begin with someone else,
but eventually will end up with US!

Only, when we come together and understand
Every field, individual, nation as a whole,
has to stand of its own!
Will then we be able to call it
development and unity of One Nation!


Inspired by Faculty Development Programme Organised by IBS Bhubaneswar