Saturday 27 August 2016

Nothing-Everything: Ing-g*

The most beautiful part of morning walk
is when one meets and connects with one’s inner self!
Crow calling out, as the neck tried to crane and behold
Mocked lovingly, “Lazy Girl, keep moving, 
don’t stop...”hehehhehe…
the soul acknowledged and bowed…

Red whiskered bulbul in pair it saw
enjoying the sun rays, in silence it felt!
Three coppersmith, what a sight to behold
trepie rufous made an appearance from nowhere!
Jungle prinia in single,
showed her gymnastic skill on metallic fence
three others to behold, in consistent chatter!

Drongo, alighted itself in front
how much it loved it, hard to explain!
A beautiful day and lot to do the soul thought
Nature amazing to behold and be in Love!

Finishing the morning core,
 as the soul sat down calmly to pray…
Echo of the vibration was multiple
nothing existed, save for the vibration itself!
The morning flew, with task taken in hand
talk with an old friend, who lived far…

Talk of yellow, green leaves
and appearance of mystical number it was!
Numbers that have been showing up
most of the time, as guidance and alliance!
Alliance with universe: 11:11, 12: 21 and 08:08 at times!

Mystery of Universe, unraveling in nothingness
nothingness in everything appearing everywhere!
Participants engage in nothingness
that nothingness is everything in itself!

Mystery ravels-unravels of its own accord
sign and symbol, a trace of magic in life!
Realizing that when it’s for nothingness
one finds everything around in that nothingness!

Evening, a stunning experience it was!
Dumbstruck the soul sat staring
at the vibration rising up from the ground…
Fear there was none, the soul feeling strange
wanting to hug, the wild in Nature with Love
hahahahha…uncanny silly soul…laughed out loud!

Night, a slow withdrawal it was
Vibration and frequency of love all around!
Overwhelmed by the happening of day,
tears rolled down with silent prayer…
May the light of day be brighter the next day!
Namaste and Love _/\_

Pic Courtesy: Google
Sixth Pic Courtesy: Manoj Sahoo